
930-112-01-D.00 PowerLogic
Series EM4000/EM4800
©2013 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 1
PowerLogic configuration tool
This document describes how to configure the PowerLogic EM4000/EM4800
Series meters, using the PowerLogic configuration tool. It includes the following
configuration tool information:
“System Set-up and Description” on page 1
“Configuration and Programming” on page 1
“Display Navigation” on page 3
“Communications Connections” on page 5
“Configuring the Meters” on page 7
“Login” on page 7
“Connecting to a Meter” on page 8
“Unit Field Configuration Tab” on page 10
“Manufacturing Tab” on page 19
“Meter Points (Circuits) Tab” on page 21
“Pulse Probes Tab” on page 24
“Completing the Meter Configuration” on page 26
This documentation is intended for those responsible for configuring the
PowerLogic meters.
System Set-up and Description
The configuration tool supports the following PowerLogic meters
PowerLogic EM4000 Series: PowerLogic EM4033 and EM4080 meters
PowerLogic EM4800 Series: PowerLogic EM4805, EM4833, and EM4880
Depending on how the meters are installed and configured, they can meter 8, 12, or
24 individual meter points. The PowerLogic meters are designed for residential,
commercial, and industrial use and display the power and consumption readings
for each measurement point.
Configuration and Programming
The configuration tool is used to set any of the programmable parameters of the
PowerLogic EM4000/EM4800 Series meter. The combination of the configuration
tool and the state of the meter programming switches determine which parameters
can be set or changed. As shown in Figure 1, the programming switches are
two-position DIP switches labeled SW1, and are located inside the meter cover
below the Display button. To enable meter configuration, both switches must be
physically set to the ON (down) position (default).