9.2 Terms and Abbreviations
See chapter "2.5 Standards and terminology" for information on the
pertinent standards on which many terms are based. Some terms and
abbreviations may have specific meanings with regard to the stand-
Common Industrial Protocol, general specification for communication
between fieldbus devices.
Client First transmitter, then recipient of fieldbus messages in the client-
server relationship. Starts transmission with a transmission to the
server; the reference point is the server object dictionary.
Date of manufacturing: The nameplate of the product shows the date
of manufacture in the format DD.MM.YY or in the format
DD.MM.YYYY. Example:
31.12.09 corresponds to December 31, 2009
31.12.2009 corresponds to December 31, 2009
Error Discrepancy between a detected (computed, measured or signaled)
value or condition and the specified or theoretically correct value or
Error class Classification of errors into groups. The different error classes allow
for specific responses to errors, for example by severity.
Factory setting Factory settings when the product is shipped
Fatal error In the case of fatal error, the product is no longer able to control the
motor so that the power stage must be immediately disabled.
Fault Fault is a state that can be caused by an error. Further information
can be found in the pertinent standards such as IEC 61800-7, ODVA
Common Industrial Protocol (CIP).
Fault reset A function used to restore the drive to an operational state after a
detected error is cleared by removing the cause of the error so that
the error is no longer active.
Input Output and input refer to the direction of data transmission from the
perspective of the master. Input: Status messages from the slave to
the master, see also Output.
Master Active bus device that controls the data traffic on the network.
Output Output and input refer to the direction of data transmission from the
perspective of the master. Output: Commands from the master to the
slave, see also Input.
Parameter Device data and values that can be read and set (to a certain extent)
by the user.
Persistent Indicates whether the value of the parameter remains in the memory
after the device is switched off.
Quick Stop The Quick Stop function can be used for fast deceleration of a move-
ment in the case of an error or via a command.
User-defined unit Unit whose reference to motor movement can be determined by the
user via parameters.
Warning If the term is used outside the context of safety instructions, a warning
alerts to a potential problem that was detected by a monitoring func-
tion. A warning does not cause a transition of the operating state.
9 Glossary
Modbus-TCP module
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