
Protecting Your Data Creating a Customized Backup Plan
Seagate Dashboard User Guide 11
From here, you specify the files, destination, and frequency for the backup plan, as shown in
Figure 4. You can configure each backup setting individually, or you can step through the
backup configuration process by clicking the < and > buttons.
3. By default, the backup plan is set to back up all files on your system, so All Files is selected.
To back up a specific directory or group of files, remove the checkmark next to All Files, then
click the Select Files button.
Figure 4: Custom Backup Screen
Figure 5: Selecting Types of Files to Back Up
Click here to select
files to back up
Click here to set the
backup destination
Click here to set
the backup frequency
Click the > and <
buttons to step through
the backup
configuration process
Click here to
activate the
backup plan