
Cutting Problem
Workpiece strikes spreader
during ripping
Possible Cause(s)
Spreader not in line with blade
What to Do
Align spreader to blade
Workpiece binds, smokes, and
motor slows or stops when ripping
Saw blade out of alignment
Warped workpiece
Feed rate too fast
Carriage assembly loose
Fence not straight
Dull or incorrect blade
Do not cut severely warped pieces
Slow feed rate
Adjust carriage bearings, then re-
align saw
Replace fence
Sharpen or replace blade
Board pulls away from fence
during ripping
Blade out of alignment
May occur as normal result of ap-
plying feed pressure
Use featherboard on infeed side
Saw Problem
Radial arm moves when locked in
a non-indexed miter position
Possible Cause(s)
Miler nol locked firmly
What to do
Adjust miter lock for wear
Motor moves when bevel lock is
Bevel not locked firmly
Adjust bevel lock for wear
Blade carriage moves when rip
lock is locked
Rip lock not locked firmly
Adjust rip lock for wear
Blade carriage does not
travel smoothly on arm
Dirty track
Carriage bearing set too tight
Rip lock too tight
Worn arm track
Bad carriage bearing
CIean and lubricate track
Adjust carriage bearings, then re-
align saw
Adjust rip lock
Have Sears replace arm track
Replace carriage bearing
Blade does not stop spinning
wilhin 15 seconds after saw is
turned off
Blade nut loose
Internal damage
Tighten blade nut
Take saw back to Sears for service