Ripping Set-up Procedure
Follow these steps before ripping. These
steps must be repeated each time a dif-
ferent thickness workpiece is ripped. A
kerr must be made for each different
width cut.
1. Prepare table:
-insert solid (no kerfs) fence (Note: Use
auxiliary fence when blade is set 1/2to 2"
from fence)
-lock table locks.
2. Prepare blade:
-lock radial arm at 0° miter
-lock motor at desired bevel angle
-lock blade in in-rip position*
-lower blade to just clear table
-lock blade carriage desired distance
from fence. Make sure wMest part of
workpiece will be between blade and fence.
*use out-rip position only when blade is
set 12" or more from fence
3. Make kerf:
i) turn saw on
ii) lower blade about vl6" into table
iii) turn saw off and remove yellow key.
4. Place workpiece parallel to and up
against blade. Note: Workpiece wilt be be-
tween blade and table front.
5. lower guard nose until it just clears
top surface of workpiece, then tighten
guard clamp screw.
6. Lower pawls and spreader so spreader
hangs along side ofworkpiece, in line
with blade, and one set of pawls rests
level on workpiece surface, then tighten
pawls/spreader wing nut.
7. Test setting: push workpiece toward
outfeed side to see that workpiece moves
freely; push workpiece toward infeed side
to see that pawls grab. If these conditions
are not met, re-set pawls until they are.
If workpiece is pushed along fence
with kerfs, workpiece could get
caught on kerr, pinch blade and
cause kickback. Do not use
crosscutting fence for ripping.
Pawl Must Be
Level To
Infeed Out Feed