wid_e can be c8_o ']'a p_ace the saw in She outdp pas#:iaa_ _he
_ok_-_ mus_ be rotated mad _ndexod _0 a cour#erc[ackwise
Trerrr_e c_oss_cu_ _og[_io,n and _ocked. The same p_ocedure
fo_ pre-cutt_ag _he _abJe _op _see M,-RippMg} and adiustie _
the sow guard arid ami-klckbock pavA o_mb[y Isee R_p
PIng) should be foilowed_ The some p_ocedure Jar' sawmrsg
_s,used except' th_ r_ew abe operator steeds a_ she left side
0f tee table a_d a push stick is no,molly no._'_e.q,;ire_
The sortie :procedure for _awMg is _d exceps that now
She operator s_ands _t she [eft side of the table and o p_ssb
s_i@ _s r_e_mai_y na_ raq_sked.
NOTE Far added table s_ce in _ront of the
blade see "Movement o_d Position of the Yoke".
Roso_i_:g is the culil;];ag of _h[@ boaa'ds in_o _rninner o_qes. I_
is o ripping ope_'otiom (S_ figure 36_1 Smo]_ baards-oup _o
2Fi maxbsens width ,.c_ oe resowed m one pass: but
[urger b_rds _p to 5" mo_l_u_ require two passes,
ate pass along ca,oh edge a_ @e board° Whe_ "_a_a_
From apposite .edges ore required, _ese sha0]d be mod_
ra overlap !,6" _rom the approximate center of the boo_d.
ff _he firs_ c_ _s too deep°, the ke_ wdH close o_d. bind _he
saw on the second c_z_ with £aage_ of kickback. Also, whe_
the ker_ d_es. _he two sides e,__J_ec_t ore no lan_er parc_keJ
_a the,sow blade, _m,_ the saw wU_ eu_ i_to them ta sooil
the@ a pDea_a:nce_ Ke._p the same _oce o_ _h_ board against
the _e_r_eewhea _r_aking bo#_ cu_s
Whe_ c_ir_g boards _h[cker tk_or_4-, a fence _houM be u_ed
which extasds 3W" above _he table tap, When c_rt'_g
boards _,icker Shoo 5"'0 cur both sides o_d finish the cet
'wit_ o h_ed _,aw
steps o{ !/!6 _' up t_oa ma×_m_ af Y3i] 6_ wide ca_ be c_g-
Ouiside b_ades can be _:_ed a_/ez_e,ch[pper_ caa_o£
Whe_ us_g _'he maximum width o_ dado of 13/16' on
_he motor shaft the a_side io@_ _o!_a:r m_ eat be _sed
The wi_fi a{ the dado con be red_¢ed whi!e usi_ 9 th_
lease ca!!ar _d two o_ more _osses coo be made wi_h
the work _o ob_a[_ the d!es#ed w[@h oJ c_to Wbe_ever
_wa or ma_e _hip_ers, are _sed_ siagge_ the c_i_g e_ds
as eveeiy as possible orated the _b_rsferen_e_ F_oc_ion0_
odi_stments ie thickness a_ the head _a_ be mode By
usb_g pape_ washe_'s hetwee_'_ t_e o_t:skJe B]_de,s _d chip
9e_s, Dado head opera,ions a_e mu_h the same a:s th_se
w['tB a standard b_ade-.bat _he dado _ead tokes a bigge_
b#e, so _hat the wa_k-p_ece should be hod more _irm_y.
Whep a geaove wider @on the dade head is _eeded_ make
_wo o_ me:re p_sses. Space cuts so _h_t _ey a_edap a _ifleo
Oada work [s da_e _ @e cross_c_ pa@_an, o Ploughing is
do_e _ @e _]9pF_g petition. J[ t_e d_ or p_o_gB _sit_an _s
_ed she _aw gue_d o_d _Bkickbatk _w[ assembly shasta
be adi_sted as deseribe_ i_ l_@e.!_raoroph _Ri!pp_aO°', Rob-
beti_g is @_e [_ the _er_ico[ posi_io_o(See fig.u:re 38,) Whel_:
r_bb, eti_g, the mate; is indexed 90 _ to _theverf_:o! posit_oa
so iha_ the b_odes _re between t_e tame _ap a_d the ma_or
o_d _he yoke [s i_de×ed 90 ° ¢[ockwi_ and [ac.ked. The _w _s
mav,ed back o_ _h_ radial _rm a_d _ke4 1o_e arm when
she amae_t o_ _he b_ode extending forward of ihe Jence i
e_eal to the depth of _he _abbet dashed, ff the depth of the
rabbet isbarge, do _ot at_ernpito ¢_ i_ _ one operation°
Lawe_ the _adid _m until i'he biades ore in a po@ian _a c_t
the desired width a_ _abbet i_ the edge el the Board The
be#ore of the sow g_ard shadd be paro[M toshe fence o_d
_e d_s_ihorge eibaw directed to the _ea_ of she saw..
Bevel cots can be made from ei_'Ber a e_os_-cuttmg or r,pping de@ed. Thk work is da_e with the saw in the some po@[ae
posRiaa by ti_fieg 1he b]_de _o the desired angle. M#er eut_
can be mode amy from a ctass-.cut_'ing position _hen _he
blade and :rad_,aJ_rm are a_ some a_gte other than _" te
the f:e_ceo A bevel milter eat is e ¢_[I which _5both beveled
and _i_ered. T[is cut is made with _Be blade a_d _adio[ arm
set at @e de@ed m_e_ angle _o1be fence and _'hen the blade
amy is tihed with res@eci lo the table top _o lhe des/ired bevd
a_agJe. This eat ix also referred to as a compa_d mi'ter (See'
f[g_ re .37.)
]he dado _w a_ heod_ as i_isc_[_ed, isa special se_ a_
blades for c_tt_ _rao:_es o_d dodos. Craftsman 8'_ K_om-,
edge Dedo Sea co_ he p_rcha_d at o_y Sears _ei'oi] S_l_re
or Catalog Order House. The head co_s&1s of two outside
blades 1/8 r' _h_ck, six I/8 _ _i_ick chipper Modes o_d paper
washers _or 1/16 '_ width adjustments. Wiih these blades,
g_aoves of t/8 _ '_I4'% a_d odd_iono_ wid_hs increased _
as ff_i' de_dbed _o_ _abb_,_ing. (See figure 39_) Si_t;e the
posif_an a{ l_e ,_utters with _esped _o _he _er_ce a_d _e
table tap ta_ be adjusted a_y or .oJ_ o[ _he ceJler S_ap,es
ca_ be as_.