ThismanualcontainsinformeflcmthatIIIimportant for you to Knowand underetond. This information relatesto
proteotlng YOUR SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS, To h_dpyou recognize this information,
we use the symbo/s to the right. Please read the manual and pay attention to these eeouorm.
DANGER Indicatesanimminentlyhazardoussituation CAUTIONledlcakm a potentiallyhazardousedtuaifon
Which,W_Otavoided, willresultin_ whloh,if notavoided,may nmJRin
WARNING ]ndi_tea a potentiallyhazardouss;tuation CAUTIONused withoutthesafety alertsymbolindicmesa
which,ifnot avoided,_ resultIn_ potentiallyhazardoUssifuatlanwhich, if riotavoided+may
],1,_. .e_if inmua_ubnm_.
This produot is not equipped with a spark arresting muffler. Ifthe pmduot will be used around flammable
materials, or on land covered with materials such as agrtcuRumlcrops, forast, brush, grass, or other similar items,
then an approved spark arrester must be installed and is legally required In the stats of CaJ'rromia.It isa violation
of California statutes section 130050 and/or sections4442 and 4443 of the CalifOrnia PubAc;Rasoumes Code,
unless the engine isequipped with a spark arrestOr,as defined In section 4442, and maintained in effective
working order. Spark amJotem sre also required on soma'U. S. Forest sarvioe land and may also be legally
required under other statutes and ordinances..
This product may oofltain ohernicale known to the state of Californiato cmJsetender, birth defects, or other
reproductive harm. This warning isgiven in compliance w!th California Proposition 65, as detestable amountsof
chemic.sissubject to proposition 65 may be contained inthis product.
When using this produot basis precautions should always be
followed including the following:
Attempting to €onnect generator
directlyto the electrical system of an
building atruotum.
Back feeding alastrk:ity through a
bullding'selectrical system to the
outside otillty fe_ lines could en-
danger repair persons a_terepting to
: restore service.
Attempting to connast to the incom-
Ing ut_ltyservice oould resultin
RastoratJonof ekm_cal service while
the generator isconnected to the
incoming ufflitycould mouJtin • fireor
seriousdamage ifa Isolator switch Is
Falklreto use adouble throw transfer
switch when connsoting to a
atruefure's alect_cal system con
damage appllanoes and WILL VOID
the manufacturer's warranty.
Never baskfeed electricity through
a structure's electrify/system.
To conneot to a struutum'a electri-
cal system in a safe manner.
always have s Double-Threw
TransferSwitch installed bY a
qualified electricianand in oompli-
ands w_th10o81o_:linancas. (When
installing a Double-Threw
"rransf_ b-'witch,a minimum of
1° gauge wiring must be used.)
3 -- ENG ¢ao_e p_e_