Read and followall Warnings and Safety instructions.
r-a/lure to do so can result in serious injury.
SAF='-W RULES AND PRECAUTIONS., ; ............... .... 3,4&s
1° Wearomtec,'Jvegear-- gWves;safetyfootwear: snugfittingcJot_ng;ancieye`hearing,andhP._dpn_ect,ion.
2. Che,-_sawfor_m. loose,m_ssing,ordamage0i_rtsandmpaJrormptaceifnecessary.
3, Check the ctlam for shamness and tens=on.
4. Keep_ildmn, I_yslanCe_,,_J_dar,imaJs,_minimumof30feet_r=_,,fromthewo_ areal
5, Plan your sawin_joperation caretutty in advanc_
1. Eliminate sfl sources of Sparks or ftame where fuel is mixed, loc..red, or stored.
2. Use 40par_ regular,unleade¢lgasolinetoI p,_'tear.cooled,2-tyPeeng_ _.
3. Use gasoline not over 2 montf-,s old.
5. Moveaminimumof 10feetaway'fromfuelandfueling_te beforesla.'tngengine,
5. F'dlfireo_t_nkeachtimett_efuelt_nkisrefueled,
STARTING THEENGINE ....................................................... t_
3. HOld Ssw firmly with the Saw chain .free to turn without making contact with any object.
2. Push saw away from you with your right hand wilile pulting the starter rope with youtqeft hand.
3. Useless tt-,anthe full extentofthe starter rope per pull.
4. Pull rope no more than 5-6 times.
5. Release the triggerafter engine starts _liowing engine to idle.
OPERATING THE SAW ............. ............................................ _
1, Cut wood only.
2- Accelerate the engine to full throttle before entering the cut.
3. a_n cuingw_ thesawframe=ga_t me_
4., Cut only at full throttle,
5. Release the trigger a_ soon as the cut is compiete¢L
6. Stop the engine I_eforesetting the saw down Mter cutting.
MAINTENANCE ............................................................... _
i. Adjust or have the carburetor adfUsted if the chain moves when the engine idles.
2- Disconnect spark plug betore performing maintenance except for carburetor adjustment.
3. Check the guide bar fO_wear each time the chldn is sharPened.
4. Cle;m the air filter fr_luently and always after 10 tanks of fuel mixture or 5 hours of oDerati_n,
whichever Is leSS, (
5. Run fu_ from_e rue{tankI;_dtxes_0_:Jthe unitfor300rmornd_a,
6. Store saw in a dry place out of the re=oh of children.