Three-Step Zigzag
Set tha Machine
A: Zigzag foot
Stitch width
control 5 to 6
Stitch length
control 0.5 to 'i
Stretch Stitch
]-he Stitch and its Uses
The three-step zigzag is a combination
zigzag and straight stitch. You may use
the three-step z_gzag ever¥whe_e you
would use the basic zigzag stitch. It
has more strength, elasticity, and _s
flatter than a regular zigzag,
The three-step zigzag stitch is especial-
Iy usefut for:
- mending
-- sewing patches smoothly and
- repairing straight tears.
- finishing seams,
Seam Finishing (Overcasting)
Piace the fabric under the presser toot
so that the edge will be slightly inside
the r_ght hand side of the presser foot,
Gu=de the work so the right hand
stitches fail at the edge of the fabric.
Pos_t_on the tear under the neec_le so
that the stitching witl catch both sides_