Refer to the removable parts section when cleaning your oven.
Warm water, a mild detergent and a soft cloth are safe to use on all cleanable parts of your oven.
Do not use metal scouring pads, except where recommended.
Control panel
Oven rack
Broilerpan and grid
Porcelain enamel
surfaces -- inside of
oven door
Porcelain enameled
Detergent, warm water, soft cloth
Detergent, warm water, scouring pad or
soap-finedsteelwool pad or oven cleaner
pad, commercialoven cleaner (pan only)
Painted surfaces-
front of oven door,
sidesof range
Do not use abrasive cleaners, steel
wool or plastic scouring pads. Dry
thoroughly after cleaning.
Remove from oven to clean. Rinse
thoroughly. Racks are dishweshersere.
Remove soiledpan fromoven tocool. Drain
fat or drippings. Fill pan with warm water.
Sprinkle grid with detergent and cover with
damp cloth or papertowels.
Letpanandgridsoak forafewminutes. Rinseorscourasnseded. Gridandpan maybewashed
in a dishwasher.
Glass cleanerand paper towels
If you needadditionalcleaningfor spotting,
wash with equal parts white vinegar and
warm water. Rinse well and dry.
Door should be completely open when
cleaning thetop edge.
Detergent, warm water, paper towel, dry
Cleansingpowder or steelwool pad
Detergent, warm water, paper towel, dry
Do not allow water to run down inside
opening in door while cleaning. Remove
stubborn soil with paste of baking soda
and water. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
Rinse thoroughly. Door can be removed;
see removable parts section.
if acids should spill on the cooktop, use
a dry paper towel or cloth to wipe up
right away. When the surface has cooled,
wash and rinse. For other spills, such as
fat spatterlngs, wash with soap & water
when cooled and then rinse. Polish with
a dry cloth.
If acidic foods (such astomatoes or lemon
juice) should spill on the oven while it is
hot, use a dry paper towel or cloth to wipe
them up right away.
When the surface has cooled, wash and rinse. Polish with dry cloth. No matter how
stubborn the stain, never use harsh abrasive cleaners. They could permanentlydamage
the enamelsurface. Aftercleaning,rinse wellwith avinegar and water mixture. Thiswillhelp
prevent abrown residuefrom formingwhen theoven is heated. Bufftheseareasdrywithadry
cloth. DO NOT use oven cleaners, cleansing powders or harsh abrasives. These
might scratch the surface.
Bakeelementandbroil Do notclean Any soilwillbum offwhen the unitisheated.
NOTE: The bake elementcan be liftedgentlytocleanthe ovenfloor. Ifsplllover,residueor ash
accumulates aroundthe bakeelement,gentlywipe the cooled element with warmwater.
Standard porcelain Detergent, warm water, scouring pad or Remove stubborn soil with paste of baking
ovenflnish--Porcelain soap-filledsteel wool pad or oven cleaner sodaandwater. Donotuseabrasivecleanera.
enameled (smooth) Rinse thoroughly.
areas of continuous-
Continuous-cleaning See specialinstructionson previouspage.
oven finish
10 NECCH29