
Unit will not run and neither
controlpanel light is
Unit will not shut off.
Unit will not dry out
Probable Cause
No Power.
Float retainer is positioned
in "Manual Dryout"position.
Float is not free.
Float is positioned in
normal operation mode.
Check 120 volt power
Slide float retainer down to
normal operation mode.
Refer to "Manual Dryout"
section on page 7.
Free float from obstruction.
This is normal. A small
amount of water remains in
the cabinet after Fill Light
comes on, Position float
retainer in "Manual Dryout"
position to completely dry out.
See page 7.
Bottles continue to empty. Air is entering water bottles. Check "E-Z-Fill Side-Caps"
and valve assembly caps to
ensure tightness.
Check for leak inwater bottJes.
Ensure gaskets for "E-Z-Fill
Side Caps" are in place (son
repair parts list).
Neither bottle emptying. Dirty filters Change to fresh new filters.
(42-14911 )
Bottle cap plunger missing Check orientationof bottles.
post in bottom of cabinet RepesitJonso that bottle cap
plunger (stem) is depressed
by post in bottom of cabinet.
Left bottle not emptying, Right bottle contains water The humidifier is designed so
the right bottle empties first.
Continue to run until fill light
comes on.
Right bottle not emptying Wrong valve assembly cap Ensure that the valve
on right bottle assembly cap on the dght
bottle has a yellow stem.
Fill Light turns on before bot-
tles are empty.
Unit is not set up on a level
surface. (Float will not
sense water at the rear of
the cabinet.)
Position unit level. (Some
carpet padding may allow
unit to sit lower in front than
rear with the additional
weight of water bottles in
the front of the cabinet.
Install coasters under front
CAUTION: Use only 42-14900 EPA Registered Bacteriostat available from Sears Retail
Use of other water treatment products may damage the filter elements.
Under no circumstances should you use water treatment products designed for Roto
belt or Ultrasonic humidifiers.