This is your owner registration card. Proper registration will enable us to contact you in the event any safety notifications are issued for this product.
First Name:
Address: (Number and Street) Apt. No.: City: State/Province CP/Zip
MI: Last Name: Company Purchased For: (Business use only)
9) ❒ Router
10) ❒ Sander
Electric outdoor equipment
11) ❒ Edger
12) ❒ String Trimmer
13) ❒ Hedge Trimmer
14) ❒ Cordless shears
15) ❒ Lawn mower
16) ❒ Blower/vacuum
17) ❒ Other:
8. What other
products do you own?
1) ❒ Hammers 8) ❒ Screwdrivers
2) ❒ Layout tools 9) ❒ Sockets
3) ❒ Pliers 10) ❒ Wrenches
4) ❒ Leather Workgear 11) ❒ Measuring tools
5) ❒ Cutting tools 12) ❒ Hex keys
6) ❒ Saws 13) ❒ Worklights
7) ❒ Drills
7. Reasons for selecting this tool:
1) ❒ Unique features 5) ❒ Price
2) ❒ Brand name 6) ❒ Warranty
3) ❒ Availability 7) ❒ TV commercial
4) ❒ Quality 8) ❒ Received as a gift
10. Best description of product use:
1) ❒ On the job 2) ❒ Project in or around the home
1. Name: ❒ Mr. ❒ Mrs. ❒ Ms. ❒ Miss.
11. Please describe your level of experience:
1) ❒ Residential contractor/tradesman
2) ❒ Non-residential contractor/tradesman
3) ❒ Advanced/serious do-it-yourself projects
4) ❒ Intermediate/medium do-it-yourself projects
5) ❒ Occasional task /light do-it-yourself projects
12. Education (Highest level attained):
1) ❒ High school 3) ❒ Graduate school
2) ❒ Some college 4) ❒ Completed college
14. To tal household income:
1) ❒ Under $19,999
2) ❒ $20,000 - $49,999
3) ❒ $50,000 and over
16. In the last three (3) months have
you or your spouse purchased any
of the following products from Kmart:
1) ❒ KGRO 5) ❒ Kathy Ireland
2) ❒ BBQ Pro 6) ❒ Concourse
3) ❒ Jaclyn Smith 7) ❒ American Fare
4) ❒ Martha Stewart 8) ❒ B.A.S.S.
Kmart greatly values your feedback.
We appreciate and thank you for your
time in filling out this questionnaire.
6. Model #: Type of Power Tool:
Today's Date
2. Your date of Birth
Month Day Year
Month Day Year
4. Date of Purchase:
5. Location of Kmart store where purchased:
3. Phone:
( )
17. ❒ Check here if you do not want to receive
information from
Kmart on new products/
or opportunities.
9. Other power tools owned:
1) ❒ Corded drill
Cordless drill
2) ❒ Detachable battery
3) ❒ Built-in battery pack
4) ❒ Hammer drill
5) ❒ Cordless
6) ❒ Circular saw
7) ❒ Jig/sabre saw
8) ❒ Reciprocating saw
15. In the past three (3) months,
have you shopped at:
1) ❒ Kmart
2) ❒ Wal-Mart
3) ❒ Ta rget
Which do you shop more frequently?
4) ❒ Sears
5) ❒ J.C. Penney
13. Excluding yourself, what are the ages
of the other people (in years) in your household?
Age of male(s):
Age of female(s):