
This is your owner registration card. Proper registration will enable us to contact you in the event any safety notifications are issued for this product.
First Name:
Address: (Number and Street) Apt. No.: City: State/Province CP/Zip
MI: Last Name: Company Purchased For: (Business use only)
9) Router
10) Sander
Electric outdoor equipment
11) Edger
12) String Trimmer
13) Hedge Trimmer
14) Cordless shears
15) Lawn mower
16) Blower/vacuum
17) Other:
8. What other
products do you own?
1) Hammers 8) Screwdrivers
2) Layout tools 9) Sockets
3) Pliers 10) Wrenches
4) Leather Workgear 11) Measuring tools
5) Cutting tools 12) Hex keys
6) Saws 13) Worklights
7) Drills
7. Reasons for selecting this tool:
1) Unique features 5) Price
2) Brand name 6) Warranty
3) Availability 7) TV commercial
4) Quality 8) Received as a gift
10. Best description of product use:
1) On the job 2) Project in or around the home
1. Name: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss.
11. Please describe your level of experience:
1) Residential contractor/tradesman
2) Non-residential contractor/tradesman
3) Advanced/serious do-it-yourself projects
4) Intermediate/medium do-it-yourself projects
5) Occasional task /light do-it-yourself projects
12. Education (Highest level attained):
1) High school 3) Graduate school
2) Some college 4) Completed college
14. To tal household income:
1) Under $19,999
2) $20,000 - $49,999
3) $50,000 and over
16. In the last three (3) months have
you or your spouse purchased any
of the following products from Kmart:
1) KGRO 5) Kathy Ireland
2) BBQ Pro 6) Concourse
3) Jaclyn Smith 7) American Fare
4) Martha Stewart 8) B.A.S.S.
Kmart greatly values your feedback.
We appreciate and thank you for your
time in filling out this questionnaire.
6. Model #: Type of Power Tool:
Today's Date
2. Your date of Birth
Month Day Year
Month Day Year
4. Date of Purchase:
5. Location of Kmart store where purchased:
3. Phone:
( )
17. Check here if you do not want to receive
information from
Kmart on new products/
or opportunities.
9. Other power tools owned:
1) Corded drill
Cordless drill
2) Detachable battery
3) Built-in battery pack
4) Hammer drill
5) Cordless
6) Circular saw
7) Jig/sabre saw
8) Reciprocating saw
15. In the past three (3) months,
have you shopped at:
1) Kmart
2) Wal-Mart
3) Ta rget
Which do you shop more frequently?
4) Sears
5) J.C. Penney
13. Excluding yourself, what are the ages
of the other people (in years) in your household?
Age of male(s):
Age of female(s):
389997 -00/BT400 Jig Saw 11/3/03 2:49 PM Page 11