Using the “Conference Manager” software
Using the OUT audio output/IN audio
input and setting the tone color
To activate/deactivate the OUT audio output/IN audio input:
̈ Tick/untick the “Audio XLR out“/ “Audio XLR In” check box.
The OUT audio output/IN audio input is activated (check box is ticked) or
deactivated (check box is unticked).
To set the volume of the OUT audio output/the sensitivity of the IN audio input:
̈ Move the “Volume“/ “Sensitivity” slider ...
... upwards to increase the volume/sensitivity or
downwards to reduce the volume/sensitivity.
The volume/sensitivity is changed immediately.
̈ Set the sensitivity of the IN audio input so that the audio signal is not overmod-
ulated at maximum input volume (see page 31).
To set the tone color of the OUT au
o output/IN audio input:
̈ Move the “EQ low”, “EQ mid” or “EQ high” sliders to change the tone color.
̈ Click “OK”.
Your settings are saved and the “Audio Settings” window closes.
Resetting the audio settings To reset the audio settings for the floor cha
nnel, the IN audio input and the OUT
audio output to the factory default settings:
̈ Click the “Set default” button.
All sliders are reset.
Controlling and monitoring a conference –
“Live” operating mode
In “Live” operating mode, you can:
• control a conference from the screen,
• use either the Room View window or the De
legate View window for controlling
the conference,
• use the graphical/photographical representa
tions of the conference room that
you created in “Setup” operating mode,
• – with a mouse click – grant or withdraw speaking privileges to/from individual
conference units,
• monitor speaking privileges.
Switching to “Live” operating mode – starting/en
ding a conference
Preparing and starting a conference ̈ Load a conference configuration (see page 68).
̈ Prepare a conference in “Setup” operating mode (see page 72).
̈ Click the “Live” button.
The “Save Conference” window appears, allowing you to save the configuration
on the central unit.