Putting the receiver into operation
Mounting the antennas to the front of the rack
To mount the antenna connections to the front of the rack when rack
mounting the receiver, you require the GA 3030 AM antenna front mount
kit (optional accessory). The GA 3030 AM consists of:
• 2 BNC extension cables (screw-in BNC socket W to BNC connector [),
•2 antenna holdersZ,
• 4 screws,
•2 washersY,
•2 nutsX.
̈ Unsecure the rack mount “ears” 1 from the rack.
̈ Guide the BNC cables through the holes in the rack mount “ears” as
shown in the diagram on the left.
̈ Screw the antenna holders Z to the BNC sockets W using the supplied
washers Y and nuts X.
̈ Secure the antenna holders Z to the handles of the receiver using two
of the supplied screws respectively.
̈ Connect the two BNC connectors [ to the BNC sockets O and R at the
rear of the receiver.
̈ Slide the receiver into the 19" rack.
̈ Resecure the rack mount “ears” 1 to the rack.
̈ Connect the antennas \ to the BNC sockets W.
̈ Align the antennas upwards in a V-shape.