Adjustment tips for the operating menu
The input sensitivity is adjusted too high when close talking dis-
tances, speakers with loud voices or loud music passages cause
overmodulation in the transmission link. When the audio input level
is excessively high (AF peak), the level display for audio signal
(AF) ቩ shows full deflection.
If, on the other hand, the sensitivity is adjusted too low, the trans-
mission link will be undermodulated, which would result in a signal
with high background noise.
The sensitivity is correctly adjusted when the level display for audio
signal “AF” ቩ shows full deflection only during the loudest pas-
For monitoring the adjusted sensitivity, the transmitter’s level
display for audio signal “AF” always
indicates the audio level –
even if the transmitter is muted.
The following figures are a guide to the best settings:
y Loud music/vocals: –30 to –20 dB
y Presentations: –20 to –10 dB
y Interviews: –10 to 0 dB
In order to be able to use highly sensitive directional condenser
microphones, the plug-on transmitter offers a sensitivity range
extended by 20 dB.
With the transmitter plugged onto a directional condenser micro-
phone, the following figures are a guide to the best settings:
y Loud music/vocals: –50 to –40 dB
y Presentations: –40 to –30 dB
y Interviews: –30 to –20 dB
PHANTO Switching the phantom powering on/off
(SKP 500 G2 only)
The plug-on transmitter can supply condenser microphones with-
out internal power supply with 48 V phantom powering (P 48). The
phantom powering can be switched on or off via the “PHANTO”
menu. Please note: Dynamic microphones can be operated in phan-
tom powering mode without harm. However, if no condenser micro-
phone module is being used, you should switch off the phantom
powering. With the phantom powering switched on, the operating
time of the batteries or the BA 2015 rechargeable battery will be