Configuring the SDC 8000 system
If – after having loaded an interpreter configuration – you have to re-
initialize the interpreter consoles, for example because you had to
remove or add consoles, it is vital to reset the interpretation system!
The “
Options” menu item on the “Interpretation” menu allows you to
configure the basic features of your interpretation system:
y The max. number of interpreter booths or languages
y The max. number of interpreter consoles per booth
y The operating mode between the interpreter booths
y The operating mode within the interpreter booths
You can connect a total of 28 booths with up to eight interpreter consoles
each to a single central unit, i.e. you can realize an interpretation system
with up to 224 interpreter consoles.
Setting the max. number of interpreter booths/languages
You have to configure an interpreter booth for each language offered:
̈ From the central unit’s operating menu, choose “
Options” and “Max # Booths” one after the other.
The current number of booths is shown on the display.
̈ Set the max. number of booths/languages for your interpretation
system and press the ENTER key to save your setting.
The maximum number of configurable languages also depends on your
license. The configuration of two languages is license-free. In order to
be able to configure more than two languages, you have to purchase
one of the language licenses available (see “Licenses” on page 103).
Let us assume that the active languages at a conference are English,
German and French. You then have to configure your system so that it
comprises an “English” booth, a “German” booth and a “French” booth.
Setting the max. number of interpreter consoles per booth
To set the max. number of interpreter consoles per booth:
̈ From the central unit’s operating menu, choose “
Options” and “Max # Desks” one after the other.
The current number of interpreter consoles is shown on the display.
̈ Set the desired number of interpreter consoles and press the ENTER key
to save your setting.
Let us assume that the active languages at a conference are English,
German and French and that two interpreters are available for each
4 Options
1 Max # Booths
2 Max # Desks