
Configuring the conference system
Selecting the folders for saving the voting results, safety copies and log
To select the folder for saving the different system files:
̈ In the boxes “Path voting”, “Path copy” and “Path data” on the
“Confsys” tab, select the folders in which the files are to be saved.
y Files with voting results are saved in a folder to be specified in the
“Path voting” box.
y All files are additionally saved in a folder to be specified in the “Path
copy” box.
y Log databases are saved in a folder to be specified in the “Path data”
If you use several PCs (video, slave), it is absolutely necessary to ensure
y that the same folder is set on the same network drive of all PCs,
y that this folder is shared so that other PCs can access it (refer to the
Windows Help for full details on sharing folders) and
y that the PC with this network drive is turned on during the
We therefore urgently recommend selecting a folder on the master PC
for saving the log databases!
Deleting log databases
You can manually delete the log databases or set a deadline after which
the log databases are automatically deleted:
̈ In the “Cleanup log file” box on the “Maintenance” tab, click the “On”
option button.
̈ In the white field, enter the deadline (in days) after which the log
databases are to be automatically deleted.
̈ In the “Ask confirmation” box, choose whether or not the log databases
are to be deleted without asking for confirmation.
y Off: the log databases are deleted without asking for confirmation.
y On: the log databases are only deleted after your confirmation.
Configuring the conference mode
To preset a conference mode:
̈ In the “Mode” box on the “CU” tab, click the desired option button.
y For information on the ten different conference modes, see
“Operating the delegate units” on page 28 of the SDC 8200 system
y You can also change the conference mode at any time during a
conference (see “Changing the conference mode during a
conference” on page 78) – however, this causes all consoles to turn
off automatically.