Green LED,
red LED, mains supply indicator
and warning light for reduced
IR radiating-power
(malfunction indicator)
CANCELLATION WITH The length of the cable between two neighbouring radiators should not
GREATER CABLE LENGTHS exceed 75 m, otherwise signal cancellation can occur when the radiation
is not in phase! Do not forget the terminating impedance!
The SZI 1029 high power radiator is provided with 12 independent output
stages, each stage amplifies the received signal for a power block of 12
infra-red LEDs. The SZI 1029-10 models with 24 independent output
stages have double the power.
MALFUNCTION INDICATOR If one power block fails, transmission quality is not considerably affected.
Only if more than one third of all the blocks fail to operate, the red LED
will light up in addition to the green one, thus indicating that the device
will have to be repaired.
The indicators work as follows:
Red Indicator Only: The
radiator is connected to the
mains but there is no IR signal
present. Green Indicator Only:
IR signal is present, the
radiator is working normally.
Red & Green Indicator:FAULT
CONDITION! 30 % or more of
the diodes are not working and
the radiator should be returned
to your local Sennheiser agent
for repair.
DISTANCE BETWEEN Please observe a minimum distance of 2 m between radiators and
RADIATORS AND RECEIVERS receivers as otherwise the receiver input stage could be overloaded. This
would result in a very poor transmission quality.
INSTALLATION If possible the radiators should be installed in such a way that they are
directly orientated towards the infra-red receivers. For best reception the
radiators should be installed as high as possible with a slight downward
inclination. For uniform irradiation of a given room the radiators should
be installed decentralised, usually in the corners of the room.