Accessories and spare parts
Accessories and spare parts
Cat. No. Product name
System components
502068 WiCOS AP Access point
502062 WiCOS D Delegate unit
502061 WiCOS C Chairman unit
502066 WiCOS DV Delegate unit with voting function and channel
selection keys
502065 WiCOS CV Chairman unit with voting function and channel
selection keys
Battery pack
502882 WiCOS BA Lithium-Ion battery pack for WiCOS conference units
502883 WiCOS MIC Gooseneck microphone
Power supplies
502897 WiCOS NT AP DC power supply for access point
502885 WiCOS NT BA Charging power supply for WiCOS BA battery pack
Transport case
502071 WiCOS CASE Transport case (with wheels) for one conference
system with up to 12 conference units and
System cables
009842 SDC CBL RJ-45-2 System cable with two shielded RJ 45 plugs, 2 m
009853 SDC CBL RJ-45-3 System cable with two shielded RJ 45 plugs, 3 m
009844 SDC CBL RJ-45-5 System cable with two shielded RJ 45 plugs, 5 m
009845 SDC CBL RJ-45-10 System cable with two shielded RJ 45 plugs, 10 m
009846 SDC CBL RJ-45-20 System cable with two shielded RJ 45 plugs, 20 m
009847 SDC CBL RJ-45-50 System cable with two shielded RJ 45 plugs, 50 m
043207 Thread insert (3/8" to 5/8")