5. Troubleshooting:
Following is a list of error codes and error messages.
When errors occur, refer to pages 12, 254, or 27 of the manual.
01 Syntax Syntax error in equation or programme
02 Calculate Execution of a division using 0, calculation beyond calculation range, etc.
03 Nesting Reservation of 14 or more numerical values or 32 or more functions during execution.
04 Invalid Matrix definition error
05 Dimension Inconsistency in the dimension of matrix during arithmetic of a matrix or dimension of list for
STAT calculation.
07 Invalid DIM Size of list and matrix input for calculation exceeds calculation range.
08 Argument Inconsistency in argument of the structured function
09 Data Type Invalid data type used in calculation
11 No define Undefined list or matrix
12 Domain Argument definition outside of domain
13 Increment Increment error
17 Stat Med Med-Med law (statistic) error
20 No Argument No argument entered
21 Not pair ∫ dx Equation definition (∫ and dx as a pair) for integral calculus does not follow syntax.
22 Not pair [ ] Not paired with specified “[ ]”
23 Not pair ( ) Not paired with specified “( )”
24 Not pair { } Not paired with specified “{ }”
32 No data Data does not exist
33 Graph Type Error in graph type setting
37 No title No title entered
38 Too many obj More than 30 objects selected
40 Lbl duplicate Same label name is used more than once within a programme
41 Lbl undefined Label is not defined for Goto or Gosub
42 Lbl over More than 50 labels are used within a programme
43 Gosub stack Nesting of more than 10 subroutine stacks
44 Line too long One line of programme exceeds more than 160 characters
45 Can’t return Use of return command without jumping from subroutine
46 Strage full Attempt to create a file exceeding 99 (delete unnecessary files)
47 Coord type Invalid coordinate system for command
90 Memory over Over memory capacity
99 System error User memory space cannot be secured
Error content
Error message
HB2.Intro.03. 98.10.1, 0:39 PM7