Chapter 10: Statistics & Regression Calculations
4. Press @ h.
05 TtestLinreg Tests the significance of the slope for the linear regression and its
correlation coefficient ρ.
The test is for the slope β, and correlation coefficient ρ obtained
from statistical data X {65, 56, 78, 86, 92, 71, 68} and Y {95, 59,
88, 78, 75, 68, 80} are not equal to zero (β & ρ ≠ 0.)
1. Input the above lists X and Y into lists L1 and L2, respectively.
2. Press S E 0
The parameter input screen
will appear.
3. Enter the appropriate value
into each field.
• Equation items may not be
• If a linear regression
calculation has been
executed using the data, and the function equation has been
stored in Y0 to Y9, input that equation number for the
equation items.
4. Press @ h.
Answers are displayed on
the screen, where a, b
indicate regression coeffi-
cients, s indicates standard
deviation, r indicates the
correlation coefficient, and r
indicates the coefficient of