225g self raising flour
pinch of salt
100g shredded suet
150ml (
pint) water
15ml (1 tbsp) olive oil
75g onion, chopped
150g back bacon, diced
225g leek, thinly sliced
150g stilton, crumbled
90ml (6 tbsp) single cream
1 egg yolk, beaten
egg white to glaze
1 Sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl and stir
in the suet.
2 Gradually mix in 150ml water until you have a soft dough,
knead lightly on a floured work surface, divide in half and
roll out a base and lid large enough to fit a 20cm (8”) flan
dish. Line the greased flan dish with the base.
3 Cook onion and bacon in oil for 2 minutes on 100%.
4 Add leeks and cook for 5 minutes on 100%.
5 Stir in the stilton, cream, seasoning and egg yolk.
6 Put the filling on the pastry.
7 Seal the pie with the lid and brush with egg white.
8 Place on the low rack and bake on DUAL
CONVECTION, 250ºC, 30% for 25 minutes.
25g plain flour
salt and pepper to taste
800g stewing steak, cut into cubes
450g potato, peeled and chopped
225g onion, chopped
450ml (
pint) hot beef stock
30ml (2 tbsp) cornflour blended with 30ml
(2 tbsp) water
225g shortcrust or puff pastry
1 egg (medium), beaten to glaze
1 Place the flour, salt and pepper in a 2.5 litre (approx. 4
pint) casserole dish, Add the meat and turn to coat with
the flour. Add the potatoes, onion and stock, mix well.
2 Cook on 70% for 30 minutes, stir twice during cooking.
2 Stir in the cornflour, mixing well. Leave to one side.
3 Preheat the oven to CONVECTION 220ºC.
4 Roll out the pastry to make a lid for the casserole dish.
Place the lid over the meat pinching the edges. Brush
with egg to glaze.
5 Place on the lower shelf and cook on CONVECTION
220ºC for 22 minutes.
Rotate the dish 180º after half the cooking time.
5ml (1 tsp) each of fresh oregano, tarragon and
thyme, chopped
2 bay leaves
2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped (see tip, page 60)
7.5ml (1
tsp) paprika
5ml (1 tsp) plain flour
45ml (3 tbsp) spanish medium dry sherry
30ml (2 tbsp) olive oil
1.8kg leg of lamb
sea salt
1 In a small bowl, crush the herbs, bay leaves, garlic,
paprika and flour together, mix in the sherry and oil.
2 Place the lamb in a 25cm (10”) flan dish and score all
over, brush with half of the sauce and sprinkle with
sea salt.
3 Place on the low rack and cook on DUAL
CONVECTION, 160ºC, 30% for 72 minutes, turn
over halfway through cooking and brush with the
remaining sauce.
p53_cre 8/28/06 11:32:37 AMp53_cre 8/28/06 11:32:37 AM