Serves 8 - 12 (1.1kg)
150ml (
/4 pint) sunflower oil
225g soft brown sugar
3 eggs (medium), beaten
225g self raising flour
5ml (1 tsp) bicarbonate of soda
10ml (2 tsp) cinnamon
300g carrot, grated
125g walnut, roughly chopped
225g cream cheese (see tip below)
grated rind of 1 lemon
5ml (1 tsp) lemon juice (see tip, page 88)
30ml (2 tbsp) icing sugar
25g walnuts, finely chopped to sprinkle
1 Combine the oil, sugar and eggs. Stir in the flour, bicarbonate
of soda and cinnamon.
Add the carrot and walnut, mix well.
2 Grease and line a 20cm (8") cake dish with greaseproof
paper, pour in the cake mixture.
3 Place on the low rack and cook, using sequence programming,
on DUAL CONVECTION, 180ºC, 30% for 21 minutes
40 seconds then CONVECTION 180ºC for 1 minute 30
seconds until firm to the touch and a skewer comes out
clean. Allow to cool before decorating.
4 To prepare icing, combine cream cheese, lemon rind, lemon
juice and icing sugar until smooth.
Spread on top of the cake, sprinkle with walnuts.
Microwave Tip: Softening cream cheese
Place 225g cream cheese on a plate. Heat on 30% for 1 minute until soft.
CARROT & COURGETTE CAKE: Substitute 150g of the carrot with 150g of grated courgette.
Add with the carrot and walnut in stage 1.
Microwave Tip: Softening hard sugar
Place sugar in a bowl, sprinkle lightly with water and heat on 100% for 1 minute.
BUTTERFLYBUNS: Place 10ml (2 tsp) of cake mixture into 20 bun case in bun trays.
Bake in preheated oven on CONVECTION 180ºC for 23 - 24 minutes.
Rotate the trays 180º after half the cooking time and continue cooking until firm.
When cool, scoope a teaspoon of sponge from the centre of each bun, fill the hollow
with buttercream. Cut each teaspoonful of sponge in half and position the “wings” in the
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