5-21Using PRICOM in UNIX/Linux Environment
Users Manual SX
1-4 Check whether the lpd (printer daemon) is activated.
# ps aux \ grap lpd
If lpd is not working, run the following command using a super user account.
# /usr/lib/lpd&
1-5 Enable the print queue configured.
# lpc restart pboxlp
2. Start printing.
2-1 Use the “lpr” command.
# lpr -P pboxlp <print file name>
3. Cancel the print request.
3-1 The print job request can be cancelled by using “lprm” command.
# lprm -Ppboxlp <job number>
4. Check the printer status.
4-1 The printer status can be checked by using “lpq” command.
-Certain UNIX specifications fail to display the status correctly.
-lpq short format is UNIX compatible but the long format is specific to PRICOM to display the
printer status.
Example: In case of short format
# lpd -P pboxlp
Example: In case of long format
# lpd -l -P pboxlp