Options & Accessories
This easy-to-add accessory allows the Chipper Vacuum
to be equipped with a vacuum hose and other attach-
ments to help simplify pick up of lightweight materials
such as leaves and grass clippings. It can also be
adjusted to vacuum without disturbing landscaping
material such as decorative rock.
Technical Manuals
Literature Available
Operators Manuals
Additional copies of this manual
available, (and as
of our product support commitment, we maintain a sto
printed operators manuals going back many years!)
Parta Manuals
Fully illustrated pans manuals are also available
these manuals show all of the product’s components in
exploded views
(“3D” illustrations which show the rela
the parts and how they go together), as well as giving
ment part numbers and quantities used. Important as
special torque values are included in these manuals.
For the applicable manuals currently available for
your model, contact our Customer Publications
Department at 414-284-8519. Have the informa-
tion listed in the box at the right available when
Your Name:
phoning in your request.
Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery