
Schematic # Part# Description
21 PGR21021 J set of dies (Specify size)
217 PGR21217 Top die grommet & washer *
218 PGR21218 Top set spindle grommet & washer *
219 PGR21219 Bottom die grommet & washer *
229 PGR21229 Spring for top set spindle *
230 PGR21230 Bottom die holder *
238 PGR21238 Nut for adjusting the top die #217 *
241 PGR21241 Support front guide #240
242 PGR21242 Nuts (2)
243 PGR21243 Washers (2)
244 PGR21244 Part for holding front guide #240
245 PGR21245 Support front guide #240 with hole
246 PGR21246 Part for holding separator #250
247 PGR21247 Side axle
248 PGR21248 Part for holding the side guide #247
249 PGR21249 Nut for side axle #247
251 PGR21251 Nut for part #250
254 PGR21254 Front guide
306 PGR21306 Part #306 ring guard *