
Daimler Chrysler
Automotive Systems
Filename: RB4UserManualUSV1.0.doc
Document Title: RB4 User Manual
Project: 6807 - RB4
Author: Michael Soldwisch
Page: 55/86
Date: 5/16/2003
Status: Version 1.0
Print: 5
©2003 Harman/Becker Automotive Systems
Note: It is not required to re-enter the city if the next destination is in the same city.
10.4.4 City Center
Select a city before entering a city center (see 10.4.3 City).
Enter Destination Menu
Press the OK button to confirm the selected city. If there are many city centers, the speller will be displayed.
Enter City Center Menu
Enter a city center name by turning the OK knob and press the OK knob in to confirm your selection.
Select of City Center Menu (List)
Press the OK knob to confirm your selection.
Confirm Destination Menu
If desired, see 10.5 to specify the route preferences or 10.9 to save the address in the destination memory.
It is now possible to start the route guidance by pressing the OK knob.
10.4.5 Street
Select a city before entering a street (see 10.4.3 City).
Selected list item
City center
as destination
Selected city