Page 4 Getting Started Guide 7.0
What You Need to Begin
A computer to use as a management station for initial configuration of SonicWALL Email
Security software
Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
An Internet connection
Record Configuration Information
Before continuing, record the following configuration information for your reference:
Registration Information
Networking Information\
Serial Number:
Record the serial number found on
the top right access panel of your
SonicWALL Email Security appli-
Authentication Code:
Record the authentication code
found on the top right access panel
of your SonicWALL Email Security
E m a i l S e c u r i t y I P A d d r e s s :
Select a free static IP address for
SonicWALL Email Security appli-
ance that is within the range of your
local subnet.
E m a i l S e c u r i t y S u b n e t M a s k :
Enter the subnet mask for the local
subnet where you are installing
your SonicWALL Email Security
G atew ay IP A ddre ss:
Record the IP address of your net-
gateway device (such as your
DNS Server 1:
DNS Se r ve r 2 ( opt i o nal ):
Record your DNS Server informa-
Host Name:
Record the fully qualified domain
name within your network for your
SonicWALL Email Security appli-
ance (maximum 32 characters).