SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
If you are defining VoIP access for client to use a VoIP service provider from the WAN, you
configure network access rules between source and destination interface or zones to enable
clients behind the firewall to send and receive VoIP calls.
If your SIP Proxy or H.323 Gateway is located behind the firewall, you can use the SonicWALL
Public Server Wizard to automatically configure access rules.
Tip Although custom rules can be created that allow inbound IP traffic, the SonicWALL security
appliance does not disable protection from Denial of Service attacks, such as the SYN Flood
and Ping of Death attacks.
Note You must select Bandwidth Management on the Network > Interfaces page for the WAN
interface before you can configure bandwidth management for network access rules.
Step 1 To add access rules for VoIP traffic on the SonicWALL security appliance:
Go to the Firewall > Access Rules page, and under View Style click All Rules.
Step 2 Click Add at the bottom of the Access Rules table. The Add Rule window is displayed.
Step 3 In the General tab, select Allow from the Action list to permit traffic.
Step 4 Select the from and to zones from the From Zone and To Zone menus.
Step 5 Select the service or group of services affected by the access rule from the Service list.
• For H.323, select one of the following or select Create New Group and add the following
services to the group:
H.323 Call Signaling
H.323 Gatekeeper Discovery
H.323 Gatekeeper RAS