Selecting the Test Mode
op rec tm
op play tm
spdl rp tm
retry err
total err
err history
retry adrs
er refresh
tm change
op change
Displays the total recording time.
When the total recording time is more than 1 minute, displays the hour and minute
When less than 1 minute, displays “Under 1 min”
The display time is the time the laser is set to high power, which is about 1/4 of the actual recording time.
Displays the total playback time.
When the total playback time is more than 1 minute, displays the hour and minute
When less than 1 minute, displays “Under 1 min”
Displays the total rotating time of the spindle motor.
When the total rotating time is more than 1 minute, displays the hour and minute
When less than 1 minute, displays “Under 1 min”
Displays the total number of retry errors during recording and playback
Displays “r xx p yy”. xx is the number of errors during recording. yy is the number of errors during playback.
This is displayed in hexadecimal from 00 to FF.
Displays the total number of errors
Displays “total xx”. This is displayed in hexadecimal from 00 to FF.
Displays the past ten errors.
Displays “0x ErrCd@@”.
X is the history number. The younger the number, the more recent is the history (00 is the latest). @@ is the error
Select the error history number using the lAMSL knob.
Displays the past five retry addresses.
Displays “xx ADRS yyyy”, xx is the history number, yyyy is the cluster with the retry error.
Select the error history number using the lAMSL knob.
Mode for erasing the error and retry address histories
1. Press the lAMSL knob when displayed as “er refresh”.
2. Press the YES button when the display changes to “er refresh?”.
When “complete!” is displayed, it means erasure has completed.
Be sure to check the following after executing this mode.
*Data has been erased.
*Perform recording and playback, and check that the mechanism is normal.
Mode for erasing the total time of recording and playback
1. Press the lAMSL knob when displayed as “tm refresh”.
2. Press the YES button when the display changes to “tm refresh?”.
When “complete!” is displayed, it means erasure has completed.
Mode for erasing the total time of op rec tm, op play tm.
These histories are based on the time of replacement of the optical pickup. If the optical pick-up has been replaced,
perform this procedure and erase the history.
1. Press the lAMSL
knob when displayed as “op change”.
2. Press the YES button when the display changes to “op change?”.
When “Complete!” is displayed, it means erasure has completed.
1. While pressing the lAMSL knob and x button, connect the power plug to the outlet, and release the lAMSL knob and
x button.
When the test mode is set, “[Check]” will be displayed.
2. Rotate the lAMSL knob and when “[Service]” is displayed, press the YES button.
3. Rotate the lAMSL knob and display “Err Display”.
4. Pressing the YES button sets the error history mode and displays “op rec tm”.
5. Select the contents to be displayed or executed using the lAMSL knob.
6. Pressing the lAMSL knob will display or execute the contents selected.
7. Pressing the lAMSL knob another time returns to step 4.
8. Pressing the MENU/NO button displays “Err Display” and exits the error history mode.
9. To exit the test mode, press the REPEAT button. The unit sets into the STANDBY state, the disc is ejected, and the test mode ends.