
1 FLDT O Serial data signal output to the display driver.
2 FLCK O Serial clock signal output to the display driver. L: Active
3 A1-IN I A1 Control input. (Fixed at L)
4 SIRCS I Remote control input.
5 - 7 NC Not used.
8 BYTE I Data bus changed input. (Connected to ground.)
9 CNVSS Ground.
10 XIN-T I Not used . (open)
11 XOUT-T O Not used . (open)
12 S.RST I System rest input. L : ON
13 XOUT O Main clock output. (10MHz)
14 GND Ground.
15 XIN I Main clock input. (10MHz)
16 VCC Power supply. (+3.3V)
17 NMI I Fixed at H. (Pull-up)
18 DQSY I Digital in sync input. (Record system)
19 P.DOWN I Power down detection input. L: Power down
20 SQSY I ADIP (MO) sync or subcode Q (PIT) sync input from CXD2662R.(Playback system)
21 KB.CLK I Keyboard clock input. (Fixed at H)
22 KB.DATA I Keyboard data input. (Fixed at H)
23 IIC BUSY I IIC cable connect check. L: Active
24 A1 OUT O Not used. (open)
25 XINIT I Interrupt status input from CXD2662R.
26 *BEEP O Not used. (open)
27 LRCKI O Not used. (open)
28 IIC POWER O Media commucator start-up check.
29 IIC CLK O IIC serial clock output.
30 IIC DATA I/O IIC serial data input/output.
31 SWDT O Writing data signal output to the serial bus.
32 SRDT I Reading data signal input from the serial bus.
33 SCLK O Clock signal output to the serial bus.
34 KB.CLK-CTRL O Keyboard clock ON/OFF signal output. L: OFF H: ON
35 CLIP-TX O Not used. (open)
36 CLIP-RX I Not used. (open)
37 XBCK1 O Not used. (open)
38 MUTE O Line out muting output. L: Mute
39 ADA.RESET O Reset signal output to the AK4524. L: Active
DescriptionPin Name
Pin No.