Pin No. Pin name I/O Description
1 UNREG_MON I UNREG voltage monitor input (A/D input)
2 RF_VCMON I Reference voltage (1.2V) for adjusting power supply voltage input (A/D input)
3 RMC_KEY I Remote commander with phones key input (A/D input)
Key on the set itself input (A/D input) S801-807 (STOP, FF/PB, REW/PB, VOL+, VOL-,
5 OPEN_CLS_SW I Upper panel open/close detection switch (S808) input L: Close, H: Open
6 RF_SMON I S-MON level input from SN761057DBT (IC501) (A/D input)
7 DSP_SMON3_LP — Not used (Fixed to L)
8 VL_MON I VL voltage monitor input from XPC18A32FCR2 (IC901) (A/D input)
System reset signal input from XPC18A32FCR2 (IC901) (A/D input) L: Reset L is in
while 500-600 msec after power turns on, and then turns to H.
10 AVDD — Power supply (2.48V) (For A/D conversion)
11 AVSS — Ground (For A/D conversion)
12, 13 TYPE0, 1 I Initial setting for the model decision input (Bit 0, 1) Fixed to L.
14 XADJUST I Test mode setting input L: Test mode (Fixed to H normally)
15 HOLD_SW I HOLD switch (S809) input L: Off, H: On
16 XOUT O Main system clock (16.9344MHz) output
17 XIN I Main system clock (16.9344MHz) input
18 HP_MUTE O Muting on/off control signal output to phones amplifier (IC301) H: Muting on
19 HP_STBY O Standby on/off control signal output to phones amplifier (IC301) L: Standby, H: Amp. on
20 XCLK O Clock (16.9344MHz) output to LC89642-8B-E (IC601)
21 VDD — Power supply (+2.1V) (Digital system)
22 VSS — Ground (Digital system)
23 DSP_WRQB I SUBQ/ADIP read out request input from LC89642-8B-E (IC601) L: Request
24 DSP_INTB I SPP, servo status read out request input from LC89642-8B-E (IC601) L: Request
25 DSP_SMON3 I Monitor signal 3 input from LC89642-8B-E (IC601)
26 DSP_CE O Chip enable output to LC89642-8B-E (IC601) H: Enable
27 PWR_FFCLR O Latch clear signal for start up signal to XPC18A32FCR2 (IC901) output H: Clear
28 PWR_SLEEP O System sleep control signal to XPC18A32FCR2 (IC901) output H: Sleep on
29 PWR_VLON O VL voltage control signal to XPC18A32FCR2 (IC901) output H: VL out on
External sync. 2 division circuit control signal to XPC18A32FCR2 (IC901) output L: 2
division, H: No division
31 SBUS_CLK O SSB serial clock signal output to SN761057DBT (IC501)
32 SBUS_DATA I/O SSB serial data signal input/output to SN761057DBT (IC501)
33 PD_S1 O PD-IC mode select signal output L: PIT, H: GRV
34 SLD_1_MON I Sled servo timing signal input from SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
35 SLD_2_MON I Sled servo timing signal input from SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
36 CLV_VCON O Spindle servo drive voltage control signal output to SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
37 SLD_VCON O Sled servo external voltage control signal output to SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
38 VC_VCON O PWM signal for VC voltage control signal to XPC18A32FCR2 (IC901) output
39 CLV_U_MON I Spindle servo (U) timing signal input from SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
40 VDD — Power supply (+2.1V) (Digital system)
41 VPP — Test (Fixed to L)
42 CLV_V_MON I Spindle servo (V) timing signal input from SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
43 CLV_W_MON I Spindle servo (W) timing signal input from SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
44 CLV_U_CON O Spindle servo (U) drive signal output to SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
45 CLV_V_CON O Spindle servo (V) drive signal output to SC111257FCR2 (IC551)
• IC801 RU6615MF-0003 (SYSTEM CONTROL)