
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description
102 PCO O Phase comparison output terminal for the playback EFM system master PLL
103 FILI I Filter input terminal for the playback EFM system master PLL
104 FILO O Filter output terminal for the playback EFM system master PLL
105 CLTV I Internal VCO control voltage input terminal for the playback EFM system master PLL
106 PEAK I Peak hold signal input of the light amount signal (RF/ABCD) the RF amplifier
107 BOTM I Bottom hold signal input of the light amount signal (RF/ABCD) the RF amplifier
108 ABCD I Light amount signal (ABCD) input from the RF amplifier
109 FE I Focus error signal input from the RF amplifier
110 VC I Middle point voltage input from the RF amplifier
111 ADIO O Monitor output terminal of A/D converter input signal Not used
112 ADRB I A/D converter the lower limit voltage input terminal
113 SE I Sled error signal input from the RF amplifier
114 TE I Tracking error signal input from the RF amplifier
115 AUX1 I Auxiliary A/D input terminal
116 ADRT I The upper limit voltage of A/D converter input terminal Not used
117 DCHG Connecting terminal with the analog power supply of low impedance
118 APC I Error signal input for the laser automatic power control
119 ADC1EXTC Connection terminal for an external capacitor
120 D_VREGO I Voltage sensibility of regulator from the headphone amplifier
121 VB_MON I Unregulated power supply voltage monitoring terminal
122 CHG_MON I Charge or discharge current monitoring terminal
123 VREF_MON I Reference voltage input terminal
124 SET_KEY_1 I Front panel key input terminal
125 SET_KEY_2 I Front panel key input terminal
126 DCIN_DET I DC input voltage for battery charge monitoring terminal
127 HIDC_MON I High DC voltage monitoring terminal
128 WK_DET I Panel key input for wake-up
129 VBUS_MON I USB power supply voltage monitoring terminal
I Voltage monitoring terminal for the minus terminal of rechargeable battery
131 RMC_KEY I Remote commander key input terminal
132 RST_CONT O System reset signal output to the power control IC
I REC key input terminal
134 RADIO_ON I Radio on detection input from the remote commander jack Not used
I Front panel open switch detection terminal
136 XRST I System reset signal input from the power control IC
137 PLL2EXTCI I Connection terminal for an external capacitor
138 PLL2EXTCO O Connection terminal for an external capacitor
139 PLL3EXTCI I Connection terminal for an external capacitor
140 PLL3EXTCO O Connection terminal for an external capacitor
141 DACVREFH I Reference voltage input terminal
142 APCREF_DA O Reference voltage output terminal
143 ADC3VREFH I Reference voltage input terminal
144 ADC3EXTC Connection terminal for an external capacitor
145 VIN I RF signal input from the RF amplifier