CLIE Operating Instructions
Using your CLIÉ handheld
To open the Address Book, proceed as follows:
1 Press the Address Book button on the front panel.
Address Book opens and displays the list of all your records.
2 Press the Address Book button repeatedly to cycle through the categories in which you have records.
3 Prepare an address record either by entering it directly into your CLIÉ handheld or by importing records
from your computer using the Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ software.
Creating Address Book entries
To create an Address Book entry, proceed as follows:
1 Tap New.
The Address Edit screen appears.
2 Enter the last name of the person you want to add.
The first letter of each field (except numeric and e-mail fields) is automatically capitalized.
3 Tap First name.
The cursor shifts to the first name field.
4 You can also use the Graffiti
software to move the cursor to the next field, by using a full-stroke.
5 Fill in the First name field.
6 Repeat the last steps to enter the other items of information that you want to include.
7 You can tap the scroll down arrow next to each item to display the list of choices and then tap the
desired item in the list.
8 To move to the next page of information, tap the scroll down arrow in the bottom right-hand corner
of the screen.
9 When you have finished entering all the necessary information, tap Done.
10 The Address screen is displayed again.
You can also use the Palm™ Desktop software to create entries on your computer and then download them to your CLIÉ handheld with your next
operation. See Performing a local HotSync® (page 74) for details.