6.Command Specification MODE SELECT
6-52 SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1
Append Partition example procedure:
Mode Sense Page 11h Check Max Additional Partitions
Can I create one more new
IF (Max Additional Partitions) ≥ 1
THEN you can create a new partition.
⇓ Yes
Log Sense
(Page 3Dh; PC 0016h)
Get Last Partition Number
Go to the Last Partition Change Partition.
Mode Select Page 32h Append partition.
Note 1: The partition to be appended inherits the conditions previously set by the Mode Select Page 31h.
Note 2: Example 1:
If the entire tape capacity is 200Gbyte.
This example does not contains formatting overhead. AIT mode tape with two partitions. P0 = 20 GB, P1
= 230 G. P1 contains 40 GB of old data. Mode Select Page 32h Append Partition Page indicates 5 GB for
the partition size. After the Mode Select command returns Good status we have the following:
P0 = 20 GB
P1 = 40 GB(old data), + 10G of Append space = 50G
P2 = 230 GB – 50G = 180G
After this command completes Unit Attention condition will be set for other Initiators, with ASC/ASCQ set
to 2A01, Mode Parameters changed. After this command Mode Sense page 11h will show the following:
Additional Partition = 2
P0 = 20 GB
P1 = 50 GB
P2 = 230 GB – 50 GB = 180 GB
Note 3: After partition appended, the Last Partition Number field of Volume Information in MIC indicates a valid
value, while the value in the Last Partition Number field of Volume Information on tape is not valid.
Note 4: The Append Partition Page operation is not allowed when the WP tab is set.
Note 5: Append Partition Page writes all buffered data to tape, before appending a partition.