8 Set up the Access Point following the onscreen instructions.
z Hint
To use the online help, click the question mark icon on the page.
If you change the Network Name (SSID) or WEP settings for the Access Point,
communication between the Access Point and the computer will be lost because the
Access Point and computer settings do not match. If this occurs, change the
computer settings to match those you set for the Access Point.
9 When you have made all of your desired settings changes
for the Access Point, right-click the Wireless Network
Connections icon on the taskbar, and select View Available
Wireless Networks from the shortcut menu.
The Connect to Wireless Network dialog box appears.
If you have enabled the WEP function of the Access Point
on step 8, enter the WEP key in the Network key field.
Click Connect.
This completes all of the necessary settings.
Setting up the Wireless LAN PC Card in Peer to Peer
Network connection mode:
1 After installing Wireless Panel, double-click the Wireless
Panel icon (Received Signal Level indicator) on the task bar.
The Wireless Panel main screen appears.
z Hint
For details on the Received Signal Level indicator, see “Viewing communication
status” on page 45.
2 Click the Network List button on the Wireless Panel.
The Network Connections window appears.