Operating several handsets
S100/150 colour Tchibo / UK / A31008-M1575-L131-1-7619 / registration.fm / 01.07.2005
Activating the room monitor and entering the number to be called for the
first time
◆ If you use an external number for the room monitor call, remember to
inform the owner of the telephone.
◆ The alarm call to an external number is cut after about 90 seconds,
an alarm call to an internal number (handset) is unlimited.
◆ The active room monitor function considerably reduces the operating
time of the handset. You can leave the handset in the baby's room in
the charging unit so as to avoid flat batteries.
◆ The room monitor function can also be used in Walk and Talk mode.
Step 1: Open the entry field for the room monitor:
Open the menu.
Select the menu item and confirm.
[_____________________________________________ _]
Room Monitor
Confirm. The entry field appears.
Step 2: Activate room monitor:
In the Room M.: line select On.
Step 3: Enter the telephone number:
Scroll to the Call to: line and press the display key.
The entry field for the telephone number appears.
either ...
Entering an internal telephone number:
Press the display key.
Select the handset and confirm.
or ...
Entering an external telephone number:
Enter the telephone number.
Press the display key to open the menu.
[_____________________________________________ _]
Save Entry
Confirm. The entry is saved.
Step 4: Set the noise level sensitivity:
You can scroll to the Level: line if you want to set the
sensitivity for the noise level (Low or High).
Press the display key. The room monitor function is
now activated.