How do I change the sound output device?
If you do not hear sound from the device connected to the HDMI port, you need to change the device for sound output.
1 Close all open programs.
2 Click Start and Control Panel.
3 Click Hardware and Sound.
4 Click Manage audio devices under Sound.
5 On the Playback tab, select the desired device for sound output and click Set Default.
What should I do if I do not hear the sound from the sound output device connected to the
HDMI port?
❑ Once you have connected a device to the HDMI port, you need to change the sound output device if you want to hear
sound from the device. For the detailed procedure, see How do I change the sound output device? (page 165).
❑ If you still hear no sound from the sound output device, follow these steps:
1 Follow steps 1 to 4 in How do I change the sound output device? (page 165).
2 On the Playback tab, select the HDMI icon and click Properties.
3 Click the Advanced tab.
4 Select the sample rate and bit depth (for example, 48000 Hz, 16 bit) which the device supports.
5 Click OK.