
30 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Troubleshooting Guide December 2003
hostname tag exceeds CFG_MAX_BUF
PITC Because CFG_MAX_BUF is 1k, this message is not
expected to be reported.
Import failed
PITC Could not import shadow volume. Possible errors:
EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-
bounds. File a bug against iiadm
ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
DSW_ESHUTDOWN: The kernel module is in the process
of shutting down the point-in-time software. No new
sets can be enabled.
DSW_EEMPTY: One of the volume names is blank. File a
bug against iiadm.
DSW_EINUSE: One of the volumes is already in use by
another set.
DSW_EOPEN: Failed to open one of the volumes.
DSW_EHDRBMP: Could not read bitmap header. Bitmap
volume might be inaccessible or bad
DSW_EOFFLINE: One of the volumes is offline and
cannot be made part of a set.
DSW_ERSRVFAIL: Could not get access to the
underlying volume.
incorrect Solaris release
(requires <release>)
RM The Solaris version that the remote mirror software is
trying to run on is not supported.
Instant Image volumes, that are not
in a device group which has been
registered with SunCluster, require
usage of "-C"
PITC check_resource_group()
Invalid flag %s
Kernel The set that the software trying to enable has not
passed the proper options to the kernel. The sync or
async value, primary or secondary value, or enable
map set or clear map set value is not valid. This is not
something the user can control.
TABLE 3-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)
Error Message From Meaning