
60 Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller Command Reference Manual October 2001
Caution The dumpconfig command is intended to be used as part of replacing a
failed system controller. For instructions on how to use dumpconfig, see “To Use
the dumpconfig Command to Save the Current Platform and Domain
Configurations to a Server” in the chapter “System Power On and Setup” in the Sun
Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems Platform Administration Manual. This command
should have been executed when you set up the system.
This command requires that all domains be powered off with the setkeyswitch
off command. The system controller automatically reboots when the configuration
is restored. The date and time need to be set after the configuration has been
restored and the system controller has been rebooted. You also need to activate all
domains with setkeyswitch on, since this command restores all domains in the
off keyswitch position.
Note Check the configuration of the platform and the domains before activating
any domains to ensure that the desired configuration has been restored. In the
platform shell use showplatform, showboards, and showdate. In each domain
shell use showdomain, showboards, and showdate.
See Also
dumpconfig, setkeyswitch, setdate, showboards, showdate,
showdomain, showplatform
CODE EXAMPLE 3-34 shows an example of the restoreconfig command with the
required -f option.
CODE EXAMPLE 3-34 restoreconfig Example
schostname:SC> restoreconfig -f ftp://hostname/path
The system controller will be rebooted when the restore is complete. The date
will need to be set in the platform and each domain.
Do you want to restore the system controller configuration now [no] yes
Retrieving: ftp://
Retrieving: ftp://
Verifying data