Preparing to Install the Sun Blade
X6270 Server Module
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ “About Your Server Module Shipment” on page 1
■ “Server Module Specifications” on page 3
■ “Server Module Installation Task Checklist” on page 4
■ “Commonly Used Terms” on page 5
About Your Server Module Shipment
Standard configurations for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module are assembled at the
factory and shipped ready for installation in a Sun Blade 6000 or 6048 Series Chassis.
Optional server module components that you purchase independent of the standard
configuration are shipped separately and, in most cases, should be installed prior to
installing the server module into the chassis.
A summary of the standard configurations and optional components available for
the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module follows in
TABLE 1-1.