There are innumerable products available related to wheelchairs. Hundreds of cushions, seating accessories,
switches, etc. This list is not intended to be comprehensive, rather provide references for some of the
largest and most widely used manufacturers with products related to powered mobility:
• Permobil www.permobil.com
Manufacturer of powered wheelchairs, functions and seating ranging from pediatric to adult.
• Pride Mobility Products www.pridemobility.com
Manufacturer of powered mobility products and related items ranging from pediatric to
• Invacare www.invacare.com
Manufacturer of power and manual mobility, hospital beds, accessories, etc.
• Sunrise Medical www.sunrisemedical.com
Manufacturer of power and manual mobility, hospital beds, accessories, etc.
• ASL www.asl-inc.com
Manufacturer of switched solutions/adaptive controls for individuals requiring more
comprehensive access than a joystick.
• Switch It www.switchit-inc.com
Manufacturer of switched solutions/adaptive controls for individuals requiring more
comprehensive access than a joystick.
• Enabling Devices www.enablingdevices.com
Affordable adapted toys, switches, etc.