
The surface interval must be at least 5 minutes for a dive to be considered a repetitive
dive. Otherwise, it is considered a continuation of the same dive. The dive number
will not change and the dive time will continue where it left off (see also section 3.5.2.
“Dive Numbering”).
3.1.4. User Denable Functions and Alarms
The ZOOP has several user denable functions and depth and time related alarms
that you can set according to your personal preference.
The dive computer model (Air/Nitrox) can be set in the MODE- SET- MODEL submode.
The dive alarms can be set under MODE- SET- SET ALARMS, the time and date
settings in MODE-SET-SET TIME, and the units (metric/imperial) as well as personal
adjustments in the MODE- SET- SET ADJUSTMETS submode. Setting of the user
denable functions and alarms are explained in detail in section 4.2. “Set Modes”.
Safety stops are widely considered “good diving practice” and are an integral part of
most dive tables. Reasons to perform a safety stop include a reduction in sub clinical
DCI, microbubble reduction, ascent control, and orientation before surfacing.
The ZOOP displays two different types of safety stops: Recommended Safety Stop
and Mandatory Safety Stop.