
Three single beeps with a two second interval occurs, when:
the no-decompression dive turns into a decompression stop dive. An arrow point-
ing upwards and the blinking ascent warning ASC TIME will appear (Fig. 3.15.).
Continuous beeps for 5 seconds occur, when:
the maximum allowed ascent rate, 10 m/min [33 ft/min], is exceeded. SLOW and
STOP warnings will appear (Fig. 3.12.).
the Mandatory Safety Stop ceiling is exceeded. A downward pointing arrow will
appear (Fig. 3.14.).
the decompression ceiling depth is exceeded. An error warning Er and a down-
ward pointing arrow appear. You should immediately descend to, or below, the
ceiling. The instrument will otherwise enter a permanent Error Mode within three
minutes, indicated by a permanent Er (Fig. 3.18.).
You are able to preset alarms before the actual dive. The user programmable alarms
can be set for maximum depth and dive time. The alarms activate when:
The preset maximum depth is reached
continuous beep series for 24 seconds or until any button is pressed.
the maximum depth blinks as long as the present depth value exceeds the ad-
justed value.
The preset dive time is reached
continuous beep series for 24 seconds or until any button is pressed.
the dive time blinks for one minute, if no button is pressed.