
4 Setting up the units
4.1 General
Please note the following when setting up the units:
> If possible, the units should be positioned 1-2 metres above the ground/floor
> To avoid the units being damaged in a fall to the floor, they should always be positio-
ned on a level surface.
> There should preferably be as few obstructions (e.g. electrical appliances) as possible
located between the transmitter and receiver units.
> Make certain that both units (transmitter and receiver) are set to the same channel
(DIP switch on the rear panel of the units.
4.2 Transmitter
When you have made the connections as described in chapter 3, position the transmitter unit
close to the satellite receiver or video recorder from which you wish to transmit the signal,
and position it so that the IR extension has a direct line of sight to the IR window of the sig-
nal source.
4.3 Receiver
When you have made the connections as described in chapter 3, position the receiver close
to the television set, and position it so that there is a direct line of sight from the position from
which you wish to operate the signal source to the red IR window.
4.4 Positioning the units
In order to achieve an optimum transmitting and receiving quality, both units are equipped
with directional antennae. To optimise the transmission quality, it may be necessary to alter
the position of the units, specifically in relation to each other.
Should reception still not be satisfactory, please check whether the reception is better on an
alternative channel.
Mains switch
Stand (illuminated
by LED)
Channel selector
Mini DIN socket
DC socket
IR window
bed_anl_SkyFunk3_engl.qxd 25.09.03 09:07 Seite 6