To fix the extractor to the kitchen unit the
pattern on fig. 4 is used.
The lower part of the extractor must be
located at a minimum height of 60 cm
above the hob for electric cookers and 65
cm for gas cookers. If the instructions of
a gas cooker indicate a greater distance
these must be observed.
When the extractor is working at the same
time as other non-electrical cooking
equipment, the outlet air pressure must not
exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10
To achieve optimum performance the length
of the outlet hose should not exceed 4
meters, or include more than two 90º angles
Although venting to the outside is
recommended, activated carbon filters may
be used, which allow the gas to be returned
to the kitchen through the outlet pipe.
IIf you wish to exchange the front for one
matching the kitchen units, follow the
following instructions (Fig. 5):
* Withdraw the movable group.
* Remove the screws (T) that support the
I* Install the new front fixing it with the same
screws that held the old one.
If something does not work
Before seeking technical assistance carry
out the following checks first:
Gdy coœ nie dziaùa
Zanim powiadomimy serwis techniczny
prosimy najpierw sprawdziã:
Problem Mo¿liwe przyczyny Sposób postêpowania
Nie podù¹czono przewodu
Podù¹czyã przewód zasilaj¹cy
Urz¹dzenie nie
Brak zasilania w gniazdku Sprawdziã/naprawiã sieã elektryczn¹
Filtry zabrudzone Wyczyœciã lub wymieniã filtry
Niedro¿ne odprowadzenie
Udro¿niã przewody odprowadzaj¹ce
Sùaby ci¹g lub
wystêpuj¹ wibracje
Niewùaœciwa instalacja
Wezwaã instalatora
Przepalona ¿arówka Wymieniã ¿arówkê Oœwietlenie nie
Obluzowana ¿arówka Dokrêciã ¿arówkê
TEKA INDUSTRIAL S.A. zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzenia zmian, które nie maj¹ wpùywu
na funkcjonalnoœã urz¹dzenia.