
OTS9100 User Manual 3-1
This chapter describes the remote commands that may be used to control the OTS9100 system and the
OTS9100 module from an external controller. The remote commands conform to IEEE 488.2 and SCPI
conventions. The OTS9100 system accepts remote commands over GPIB, RS-232 serial links, or a
network using Telnet protocol.
The Commands Overview section organizes the remote commands by function in a simple command
tree format.
The Syntax section provides an overview of IEEE 488.2 command formats, the SCPI conventions, and
the data formats used by the OTS9100 system. Readers familiar with these topics may find that it
duplicates material they already know.
The Command Descriptions section provides detailed descriptions of the format and parameters of each
OTS9100 system remote commands. These commands are listed in alphabetical order and listed by page
number in the Table of Contents.
Commands Overview
This section organizes the OTS9100 remote commands by function in a simple command tree format.
Each main topic provides a brief description of the command set uses and then lists each command in that
section. For more detail on specific commands, refer to the following section, Command Descriptions,
which lists all commands in alphabetical order.
IEEE 488.2 System Commands
These commands control basic generic functionality and interface control functions.
Clear interface error status *CLS
Enable error status conditions *ESE
Query error status *ESR?
Query identification string *IDN?
Query all instrument settings *LRN?
Query operation complete *OPC?
Recall system settings *RCL
Restore default settings *RST
Restore saved settings *SAV
Remote Control Setup and Format Commands
These commands provide commands to initialize the error reporting system, get the error status from the
previous commands, query response command headers and keywords in short or long form, and set
binary block data format.
Initialize error reporting system :status:preset
Get error status from previous commands :system:error
Query response command headers :system:headers
Query response keywords – short/long form :system:verbose
Binary or hex block data format :system:format:block