Command Groups
Table 2-28: Power Commands (cont.)
Command Description
POWer:HARMonics:RESults:IEC:POHL? Returns the IEC POHL measurement
POWer:HARMonics:RESults:IEC:POWer? Returns the IEC input power measurement
Returns the IEC power factor measurement
Returns the overall harmonics test result:
POWer:HARMonics:RESults:RMS? Returns the root mean square value of the
source waveform
POWer:HARMonics:RESults:SAVe Saves the harmonic results to the specified
file in CSV format
POWer:HARMonics:RESults:THDF? Returns the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
in percentage, measured as a ratio to the
RMS value of the fundamental component of
the source waveform
POWer:HARMonics:RESults:THDR? Returns the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
in percentage, measured as a ratio to the
RMS value of the source waveform
POWer:HARMonics:SOURce Sets or returns the source waveform for
harmonics tests
POWer:HARMonics:STANDard Sets or returns the standard for harmonics
POWer:INDICators Sets or returns the state of the measurement
indicators for the power a pplication
POWer:MODulation:SOUrce Sets or returns the source waveform for
modulation tests
POWer:MODulation:TYPe Sets or returns the modulation type
Returns the apparent power measurement
POWer:QUALity:DISplay:APPpwr Sets or returns the display state for the
apparent power readout
POWer:QUALity:DISplay:FREQuency Sets or returns the display state for the
frequency readout
POWer:QUALity:DISplay:ICRESTfactor Sets or returns the display state for the
current crest factor readout
POWer:QUALity:DISplay:IRMS Sets or returns the display state for the rms
current (IRMS) readout
POWer:QUALity:DISplay:PHASEangle Sets or returns the display state for the
phase angle readout
POWer:QUALity:DISplay:POWERFACtor Sets or returns the display state for the
power factor readout
POWer:QUALity:DISplay:REACTpwr Sets or returns the display state for the
reactive power readout
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-35