TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Type, Main Trigger menu, 3–57, 3–58, 3–76
Pulse, 3–74
Undershoot, Glossary–7
user, Saved setup status, 3–111
UTILITY button, 3–103, 3–122, 3–131
Utility Menu
OK Erase Ref & Panel Memory, 3–113
Tek Secure Erase Memory, 3–113
Utility menu, 3–122
Configure, 3–122, 3–131
GPIB, 3–131
Hardcopy, 3–131
Hardcopy (Talk Only), 3–122
I/O, 3–122
Off Bus, 3–131
Port, 3–131
System, 3–122
Talk/Listen Address, 3–131
V Limit, Acquire menu, 3–139
Variable Persistence, Display menu, 3–28
Vectors, 3–28
Vectors display, Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–46
Vectors, Display menu, 3–28
Bar cursors, 3–97, Glossary–10
Offset, 3–13
Position, 3–10–3–48
Readout, 3–10
Scale, 3–10
SCALE knob, 2–13, 3–10
System, 2–13
Vertical Menu, Cal Probe, 3–104
Vertical menu
20 MHz, 3–12
250 MHz, 3–12
Bandwidth, 3–12
Coupling, 3–12
Fine Scale, 3–12
Full, 3–12
Offset, 3–13
Position, 3–12
Set to Zero, 3–12
VERTICAL MENU button, 2–17
Vertical position, for DC correction of FFTs, 3–153
Vertical POSITION knob, 3–10, 3–38
Vertical Readout, 3–10
Vertical SCALE knob, 3–10, 3–38
VGA Output, 2–5
Video Line Number, Cursor menu, 3–101
Video Trigger, Option 5, A–1
Video trigger, 3–51
View Palette, Color menu, 3–34
Waveform, Glossary–10
Acquiring and Displaying of, 3–3
Autoset on, 3–5–3–48
Coupling to the oscilloscope, 3–3
Interval, Glossary–11
Math, 3–142–3–170
Measuring, 3–87
Priority for turning off, 3–9
Save Formats, 3–115
Saving, 3–111
Triggering on, 3–49
Waveform clipping. See Clipping
Waveform differentiation, 3–161
Waveform FFTs, 3–144
Waveform integration, 3–165
Waveform memory, 3–115
WAVEFORM OFF button, 2–18, 3–8, 3–32
Waveform record
FFT, 3–150
FFT frequency domain, 3–151
length of, 3–151
FFT source, 3–150
acquisition mode, 3–154
defined, 3–151
long versus short, 3–153
FFT time domain, 3–151–3–152
Waveform, Display menu, 3–29
And zoom, 3–37
Math, 3–144
Scaling and positioning, 3–9
Waveforms, Status menu, 3–133
Width, 2–20, Glossary–7, Glossary–8
Width trigger, 3–71, 3–76
How to set up, 3–76–3–86
Width, Main Trigger menu, 3–73
Window, 3–158
Blackman-Harris, 3–148, 3–158, 3–161
characteristics of, 3–160
Hamming, 3–148, 3–158, 3–161
Hanning, 3–148, 3–158, 3–161
rectangular, 3–147, 3–158, 3–161
rectangular vs. bell-shaped, 3–160