Acquiring and Displaying Waveforms
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
In Dual Window Zoom mode, the oscilloscope does not display the zoom
magnification factors; however, it does display the scale factors (volts/divi-
sion and time/division) for the zoomed waveform.
Zoomed (Magnified) Waveforms
Nonzoomed Waveforms, with Box
Indicators at Corners Denoting
the Selected Graticule
Figure 3–24: Dual Window (Preview) Mode
To select Dual Zoom, press ZOOM ➞ Mode (main) ➞ Dual Zoom (side) to
toggle it to ON. (See Figure 3–25.)
Dual zoom displays a second zoomed view of the selected unzoomed waveform.
The second zoomed view is offset in time from the first zoomed view. Also,
zoom must be enabled (side menu set to On or Preview) to see the Dual Zoom
To set the offset in time of the second zoomed waveform from the first, press
ZOOM ➞ Mode (main) ➞ Dual Zoom Offset (side). Then turn the general
purpose knob or use the keypad to set the offset.
Dual Zoom offset is always positive. The oscilloscope sets the offset as close to
the requested value as possible. An offset request of 0.0 insures that the zoom
boxes are butted up against each other, regardless of the zoom factor.
The horizontal zoom and scale factors determine the minimum offset time
available. Both zoom boxes always enclose equal amounts of time with the
second box always offset from the first by a time equal to one box. Doubling the
Dual Zoom a Waveform
(TDS 700A Models Only)
To Set Dual Zoom Offset